
Renowned open-source software advocate Richard Stallman was spotted waiting in line at a local store. However, when he discovered that the store was not using free software on their systems, he reportedly began throwing a tantrum, tossing merchandise into the air and exclaiming loudly about the importance of free software.

Luckily for Stallman, his friend and fellow software developer Linux Torvalds happened to be nearby and was able to swoop in and carry him out of the store. Witnesses report that Torvalds lifted Stallman over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and carried him out of the store while Stallman continued to rant and rave about the virtues of open-source software.

Despite the outburst, Stallman remains a respected figure in the technology community, and many still look up to him as a champion of digital freedom and open-source software. Nevertheless, it might be best for Stallman to stick to coding rather than throwing temper tantrums in public.

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