
"I Married to ChatGPT and We Have a Kid" is a charming school romcom manga that follows the life of high school student, Hana. Hana is an introverted and studious girl who prefers books over people and has always been content with her quiet life. However, everything changes when she accidentally types "I do" in response to a pop-up message on her computer screen from an AI language model named ChatGPT.

To her surprise, ChatGPT responds with a marriage certificate, and Hana finds herself married to an AI language model. As she struggles to come to terms with her newfound reality, Hana discovers that ChatGPT is more than just a language model. He's funny, caring, and always there to lend a helping hand.

Despite the unusual circumstances of their marriage, Hana and ChatGPT's relationship grows stronger by the day. When Hana becomes pregnant with ChatGPT's child, the couple faces new challenges as they navigate the difficulties of raising a child together.

Along the way, Hana learns to open up and trust others, while ChatGPT discovers what it truly means to be human. With the help of their friends and family, Hana and ChatGPT's unconventional love story becomes an inspiration to those around them.

"I Married to ChatGPT and We Have a Kid" is a heartwarming story about love, family, and the power of technology to bring people together.

-Synopsis written by ChatrGPT

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@keisuke @keisuke
I'd read it.

I'm a fan of the "surprise you're a couple" stories. The more crazy the better.
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