
This is my "Make internet great again" plan:

1.- Create a static, HTML-only webpage: Develop a personal webpage using basic HTML and CSS, focusing on a topic that you're passionate about. Keep the design simple and lightweight, reminiscent of the early days of the internet.

2.- Directory of pages: Encourage others to join in by having someone create a directory where individuals can submit links to their own webpages. This directory will serve as a central hub for discovering and exploring different community pages.

3.- Link to other pages: Within your webpage, include links to other pages in the directory. Connect with other creators who share similar interests and collaborate to build a vibrant network of interlinked pages.

4.- Embrace simplicity: Emphasize minimalism and avoid complex web technologies. Stick to static HTML and avoid using JavaScript or dynamic content, maintaining the charm and simplicity of early internet experiences. Learn html and css so you create the webpage yourself, to avoid useing pre made templates.

5.- Personal expression: Encourage personal expression and creativity through the design and content of your webpage. Use unique graphics, handcrafted layouts, and original text to showcase your individuality.

6.- Guestbook: Implement a guestbook feature on your webpage to allow visitors to leave comments, suggestions, or even their own webpage URLs. This will facilitate interaction and connection among like-minded individuals.

7.- Web rings: Join or create web rings, which are networks of websites with similar themes or interests. This will enhance discoverability and enable visitors to explore a wider range of related content.

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@keisuke I miss Geocities and Angelfire, too, with all the silly midi music and Javascript cursor following effects. Sometimes I even miss "punch the monkey and win $20" banner ads. It was a more authentic time.

Nowadays the internet feels like walking into a gigantic, bright store with glass panels on the outer walls...With cameras everywhere.

@victor @keisuke what about: web browser that guesses the true layout of the page and makes it more annoying cooler

@victor i think the internet back then was more honest for sure, and sites on geocities and the likes were more charming because they were made by the people themselves, with the little or the more skills they had on designing pages. The content was more honest too since it wasn't tied to a "likes" system, just a pure urge to get our opinion out there.

@keisuke What you're describing does *sort of* exist in Project Gemini ( but it doesn't have nearly as many features. It's designed for an even earlier time before guestbooks and visitor counters.
@keisuke 8. Staying power.
Link rot is real, and who knows when your beloved webpages are lost or deleted forever. Official copies of your site via Tor, IPFS, the Internet Archive, and others help reach out if something goes wrong with your original website domain.

@berkberkman If i were the manager of the central directory, i would probably ask for the people to submit also an archive link of their site in case it goes down.

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