
SQL rap dissing MongoDB written by ChatGPT

(Verse 1)
Yo, listen up, I'm 'bout to drop some knowledge bombs,
In the world of databases, where the real gangstas belong.
I'm repping SQL, the OG, the king,
While these NoSQL pretenders can't do a damn thing.

MongoDB, you think you're all slick,
But your lack of structure got your system so weak.
No ACID transactions, no integrity checks,
Your data's all over the place, what a hot mess.

(Verse 2)
MySQL, PostgreSQL, they're my ride or die,
Relational databases, where the real G's lie.
I write queries like bullets, shooting through the night,
Joining tables, filtering data, keeping it tight.

NoSQL, you claim to be the future, the new wave,
But when it comes to consistency, you're digging your own grave.
Document stores, key-value pairs, you got no depth,
You can't handle complex queries, you're just out of step.

(Verse 3)
Oracle, SQL Server, they're on top of the stack,
ACID-compliant, they got each other's back.
You NoSQL fools, you're just a passing trend,
While we SQL gangstas, we stay true 'til the end.

Index optimization, data normalization,
That's how we roll, avoiding duplication.
Transactions, concurrency, we keep it locked down,
NoSQL, you're just a circus clown.

(Verse 4)
PostgreSQL, my personal favorite, a true gem,
Flexible and powerful, it's the SQL anthem.
Schema design, data integrity, it's all there,
While you NoSQL jokers, you're just unaware.

So step aside, NoSQL, and let the SQL masters prevail,
We're the OGs, and you're destined to fail.
SQL databases, we stay strong, never caving,
In this gangsta rap world, we're the ones worth praising.

So remember, when it comes to databases, it's all about SQL,
NoSQL, you can't compete, you might as well bail.
We're the true gangstas, holding it down,
SQL databases, the kings wearing the crown.

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