@verita84 That's why ideally we want something blockchain based, or similarly decentralized.

Pleroma's a good stepping stone but can only do so much.

@ethot @verita84 I’m new to this... what’s the advantage of pleroma?

· · Tootle for Mastodon · 1 · 0 · 1

@ethot @verita84 mastodon I suppose but in general what makes its good?

@kilo @verita84 It's easier on admins, and more or less the same for users. Pleroma has some extra bells and whistles like chat and emojos, but mobile clients tend to be more apt for Mastodon. I'm not gonna be convincing anyone to switch over.

Though if/when Pleroma gets groups that may be worth switching for.
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.