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Shy nerd was just going to teach his twin jock friends about biology but the vibe quickly became hot and heavy when they arrived at the chapter on puberty. It started with comparing, turned into rubbing and then full on sucking. At least the studying became a bit more hands on.


How did i forget to post this!?
OMG i feel so dumb....

Three cuties sharing a bath.

Art by @Applalt

Characters are mine @HiroKetzio

Straying away instead of doing the homework... yeah we all been there

Coming home after a long day of work and your own house bunny is waiting you like this...

Shota adventurer had his plans for the demon queen that he just defeated!

Speaking of swimwear, i think this model is one of the most flashy ones!

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.