the language of pro/anti contact with pedophilia seems really really weird to me. im actually a bit unclear, is contact here meant to mean literally any contact with kids? are anti contact people like, insistent pedos shouldnt be allowed near kids or something? or is it just about sex/romantic involvement w kids? what the fuck does it mean to be pro contact? like, you think pedos being in contact with kids or having sex w them isnt just like, not intrinsically immoral, but is in fact good? it feels like ppl use these terms to mean about sex, with the pro contact side being just, thinking its okay, not thinking its somehow virtuous and morally upstanding to fuck kids. a position i would agree with, bcos minors are people and i think its just one of many abhorrent ways we strip children of the autonomy everyone deserves. but the wording of pro and anti contact just feels so confusing and unclear. and unnecessary! it doesnt take many words to say u think kids can or cannot consent, or that u think pedos should or shouldnt be allowed near kids if it really is meant like that too, why even is it necessary to call urself anti/pro-c

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@lily1155 they're too broad of terms to really understand what people mean by them until you see their feelings on it specifically. They're very situational

it would be more genuine if they used pro-gettingdown and anti-gettingdown

@lily1155 I can’t speak for others, but personally I label myself as Pro-C because I don’t think it’s wrong to pursue any kind of relationship with kids. Whether that’s romantic, sexual, or even as simple as being friends with them. As long as the kid is ok with the relationship as well. I think some label themselves as anti because they think these sort of relationships are inherently harmful to the child, or can easily become harmful. Just the way I see it and others might see it differently.
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