@Yokilol @comrade_lecter @Frances they’re fucking trying to gaslight me into thinking they’re being not serious it’s fucking pathetic and triggering as fuck. They’ve had all their chances

@logan @comrade_lecter @Frances Ok but that isn’t how a disease is defined. And that still makes no sense in the context of them calling alloromancism a disorder. Don’t gaslight me because I’m not privy to a private fucking conversation

@Tom @comrade_lecter @Frances@nnia.space gaslighting is when someone doesnt understand the connotations of a word

@logan @comrade_lecter @Frances Then that’s their problem, not mine. And if you call something a disease and trigger them, the correct response isn’t to gaslight them till you’re backed into a corner, it’s to apologise . They obviously understood the connotations when they were applying it to allospec people and so I don’t understand how this is different, especially directly after


@Tom @comrade_lecter @Frances@nnia.space what do you want me to do, apologize for chronic? and how is this gaslighting? talk about triggering, its triggering to be said im a gaslighter for not fucking believing the worst about the one (1) person who actually likes me

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@logan @comrade_lecter @Frances Insisting the other person is the wrong one for believing something, against evidence is gaslighting mate. And yeah, I would - or you could just not get involved to begin with

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