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I purchase a drawing tablet and drew this today. It's bittersweet. It was way more fun drawing that way instead of using a mouse with the pen tool, but my lines are messy and unstable even with Smoothing checked on in photoshop... Any advice would be much appreciated!


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Poster - Sherry Birkin Upskirt

A nice creepshot taken during the game, apparently it made it into the yearbook

Non panty c*nny shot, and you can support me over at:

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I made an image series featuring Sherry. It took a lot of time and I hope you enjoy it. If you can, consider supporting me over at dakyo.fanbox.cc/ and receive 4k versions.

#3D #loli


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2023 fucking sucked. I was deplatformed by pixiv and lost a lot of followers and most of the financial support that greatly improved my life from my old fanbox.

If you're reading this, thanks for seeking me out and continuing to support me. And thank you baraag for giving me this last bastion to share my art. I will do my best to keep sharing my art!!!

4k New Years gift for all: files.catbox.moe/g2ykqt.png

Consider supporting me on my 2D fanbox: dakyo.fanbox.cc/

#3D #loli

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A good Cadet must not be afraid to tackle a situation from a different perspective. They must not be afraid of getting dirty and clean up the messes they make. And above all else, a good Cadet must be ready and willing to face these situations everyday in service of their community.

You can get a 4k version in my Fanbox Newsletter dakyo.fanbox.cc/

#3D #Loli

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A good Cadet keeps a watchful eye for any wrong-doings and takes action against all offenses, no matter how small - or big - and never lets criminals out of their sight.

You can get a 4k version in my Fanbox Newsletter dakyo.fanbox.cc/

#3D #Loli

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A good Cadet takes good care of their uniform, does not have idle hands and knows not to mince words and to use their mouth wisely. It's also important to be prepared for physical altercations.

You can get a 4k version in my Fanbox Newsletter dakyo.fanbox.cc/

#3D #Loli

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.