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mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
So loading hellthreads is actually much worse now because it has to do more things on the client side related to parsing @'s. Trying to load up the poast hellthread from yesterday crashed Bromite just now

@alex : this is your change that you want to force on everyone. Is there any way to reduce the resource usage so that my laptop fan doesn't max out every time I load a big thread?
mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted

Riding a train in LA is like being in a post apocalyptic game

mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
Rules of Cum
I'm My Own Coomer Now
A Coomer I Remain
The Stains of Cum
Red Cum
Cum Consciousness
It Has To Cum This Way
mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
How to be "successful" at fedi 101:

1. Post cute anime girls. A LOT. Fedi LOVES cute anime girls. Specially cat/fox girls. Alternatively, post cute cats. That never fails.
2. Be somewhat lewd once in a while. But dont overdo it. Just be suggestive. Also post "CUM" once in a while.
3. Post memes related to the comunity. These tend to go viral on fedi really quick.
4. Be nice. Avoid politics, drama, and any kind of polemic content AT ALL COSTS.
5. Interact with other members. Butt in conversations once in a while. Reply to other people. Say hi to them.
6. Be active every day!
mguy3790 boosted


mguy3790 boosted
He is not wrong and its a fucking dunk on niggers. Based Biden. Ridin'
mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
mguy3790 boosted
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.