Pinned post

Feel free to dm me here or on session!
Im into almost everything

mhll boosted

This is a woman who should not be allowed near children. That's all the characterization I've come up with for her so far.

mhll boosted

Feel free to dm me here or on session!
Im into almost everything

mhll boosted
mhll boosted
mhll boosted
mhll boosted
mhll boosted
mhll boosted
mhll boosted
mhll boosted
mhll boosted
mhll boosted
mhll boosted
mhll boosted
mhll boosted
mhll boosted
mhll boosted
mhll boosted
mhll boosted
Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.