Reminder that Linux gaming as we know it in 20XX is pretty much entirely down to one German who wanted to see anime tiddy~

> implying that native linux versions of dosbox, tetris and powdertoy are not AAA titles that define GNU+Linux as gaming platform.

@minecraftchampion Pretty much every native Linux Tetris is crap honestly, there still isn't a really good FOSS ARS implementation (and before someone says heboris, no, so close yet so far)
@tuxcrafting @minecraftchampion M-x Tetris is *ok*, but I have very high standards for what an acceptable Tetris is
Arika ruleset or go home
@allison @minecraftchampion nothing beats the OG game boy version in an emulator anyways
@fenix @minecraftchampion Gameboy version is honestly kinda boring to me, good for the time but I much prefer niceties like IRS, wallkicks and piece randomization that doesn't suck
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