I don't wanna hear nobody get upset when this software is used for mass surveillance.

This is me asking for help. This is me not getting it. I've been asking for almost a year.


If there is an interest in mass surveillance of the fediverse then a private tool already exist in secret. There are entire departments of talented people out there whose job is to violate people's privacy.

The problem you are having is that you are dealing primarily with people who either are not devs or, even worse, soydevs whose main concern is not giving the users control over their own machines and data, but rather telling people what they can and cannot do with their machines.

If you had been promoting your tool with the purpose of pwning the nazis then some of these people would be lining up to suck your dick.
@sheetposter I am pretty sure good old OSINT methods are working just fine on Fedi. I don't know if there are specialized tools already but I saw some accounts which look like data harvesters.

In fact I noticed a few on Diaspora, much older and smaller network than AP-driven ones like Mastodon, so there is some interest in monitoring this kind of media.

@r000t - I just looked up your project, the idea looks pretty interesting. What help are you talking about though?

This whole project, originally, was supposed to have one Equal-and-Opposite "pwn nazis" feature for every "harasser" feature. The general idea behind the troll being, watch these guys literally throw away the thing they've been begging gargron for, but for r000tles having made it.

I'm up against a time crunch and these assholes aren't playing ball in any meaningful way, so it's beginning to look like the way to get the biggest reaction is to focus on all the surveillance tools.

The reason those will generate a reaction is because canceldon begs for a false sense of security. Which they give to themselves by dog piling anybody who *publicly* makes a search tool that anybody can use. They then assume that anybody who'd make such a thing would be loud about it.

They won't touch me over it because they assume I'm crying wolf. Because I expertly cried wolf multiple times throughout the year, ensuring that no attention would be paid to the tool I released.

@alex @sheetposter
As for help,

I asked Eugene, either suspend the people who are breaking mastodon.social ToS by fantasizing about my violent death, so that they cannot access League players on mastodon.social, *OR* unsuspend me so I can access League players on mastodon.social

I just want the same treatment I'd get if I was trans. That's all.

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