@milk @IAMAL_PHARIUS he is not wrong tho. Worst Korea has one of the lowest birth rates per woman in the world.

@nlg2 @IAMAL_PHARIUS He needs to be replaced with someone who can read a chart AND incentivize Koreans having families, buddy. Anyone can read a chart and conclude this and that about a birthrate, it takes a non-zionist to come up with the right solution.

@milk @IAMAL_PHARIUS you can put all the blame on kikes, but thing is that urbanized areas have always had lower birth rates compared to rural ones. For today's families, children are only a burden, unable to begin to recoup their investment for more than 20 years.
Even rural people no longer find it beneficial to have one.

@nlg2 @IAMAL_PHARIUS Uhh the solution is for government to care about their people and incentivize homogenous families, wouldn't you agree?


@milk @IAMAL_PHARIUS yeah, just make them work for all the good against all the bad.

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