
Americans are just cowardly slaves today who don't have the mental capacity to decide if going outside is safe or not and must wait for their beloved government overlords to tell them what to do.

Americans are beasts who beg for their chains and are forced to be injected with vaccines, eagerly submit their DNA and fingerprints to the Gestapo, and love being anally fingered by the TSA.

Humans haven't changed in 10,000 years. Carthage was razed by the Romans. Nazis destroyed a village in France. Soon the US government will liquidate Fargo.

Americans simply don't know history or recognize the dangers of tyranny. No one is safe in a police state. Monks are executed, the middle class is sent to the gulags, and billionaires lose their land and wealth. Even dictators can be toppled.

Tyranny doesn't only apply to negroes, illegal immigrants, homosexuals, and Muslims. The target of tyranny is YOU.

The ruling powers cleverly use Nazis and fear to get Americans to surrender their rights.

The elites have gradually changed the USA in 60 years. Divorce, homosexuality, affirmative action, welfare, and tyranny used to be unthinkable. Soon Americans will be eating bugs.

The globalists weaken, divide, and turn Americans against each other. Like the Fascists used Jews to be capos to guard other Jews, the ruling class hire Americans to be the Gestapo to guard other Americans.

Jews were required to wear armbands. Now Americans are required to use masks to identify them as compliant and submissive slaves.

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