The world has turned upside down.
Americans who once fought Nazis and Commies have now become Nazis and Commies.
Americans who were taught to be moral are now told to be immoral.
Americans who were taught to work hard are now told be told to be dependent on welfare.
Everything is illegal, but the police are being abolished.
You can't get a haircut, get married, get divorced, or go to funerals now.
The US is at war and is in debt.
There is a global government, but you cannot travel.
The USA is not a democracy and the election machines can be hacked.
Protesting is illegal.
Guns are illegal.
You are being wiretapped 24/7.
Masks are illegal and masks are mandatory and Americans scream the law must be obeyed.
No one is responsible for anything.
Tomorrow will certainly be worse.
The only thing to do now is wait to be sent to the concentration camps.