
The revolution should have started yesterday.

You are a slave because you want to wear chains.

If one dog controls 100 sheep, who do you blame?

The European settlers tried to use Indians as slaves, but the Indians were smart and escaped so the settlers imported Africans.

Stop calling the Gestapo. The Gestapo don't care about you. The Gestapo do not want to stop crime. When you call the Gestapo, the Gestapo think that you are the problem and will either arrest you or kill you.

Americans should make the Gestapo feel very uncomfortable now.

Give the Gestapo dirty looks.

Don't let the Gestapo give you a vaccination, take off your mask, or take your guns.

The day may come when Americans punch any TSA agent who tries to grope them.

At some point, mobs will beat to death any Gestapo who tries to kidnap Americans.

Grow some balls.

You have nothing left to lose. Tomorrow will be worse.

The state is just like the mafia now. You wouldn't give money to the mafia, so why would you give your money to the government?

The government is not legit.

There is no rule of law. There is no due process.

The US is not a democracy. The election machines can be hacked.

Protesting is illegal.

Don't think that you're safe from tyranny because you're succesful and played by the rules. The educated and wealthy were the main targets when Pol Pot took over Cambodia.

Wake up.

Pass the word.

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