
Americans are batshit insane zombies now.

The elites, politicians, Gestapo, Nazis, and Communists all support wars, debt, and tyranny.

You know that you live in the Twilight Zone when Libertarians who logically try to explain that war, debt, and the police state won't end well are called nutjobs.

What do you think when Americans look at redlight cameras and say that redlight cameras don't exist?

What do you do when Americans scream checkpoints are fake news?

Americans are so enslaved now that even business owners who should know better swear high taxes, regulations, and welfare are wonderful.

What do you say when Americans look you in the eye and say the USA never had black people or churches before today?

How would you feel when Americans insist that the USA had food stamps and TSA groping in 1776?

What are freedom-loving patriots supposed to do now that the US border is closed?

What should Libertarians do if they must choose between staying married or buying a sailboat to escape tyranny?

What will Libertarians who escape to the Amazon or Siberia do when the Nazis and Communists hunt the last patriots down?

Americans deserve everything coming to them.

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