
Pedo Musings 

Imagine all the little girls who are masturbating right now. There are so many of them, literally thousands of cute little kiddy sluts rubbing their preteen cunts to get that good child cum. I wonder what kind of porn they watch. Do you think the little girls are watching hard core rape porn?

There must be some children who have figured out the darkest places and are watching kids just like them being used. A little 7 year old girl just had her first kiddy cum. And a cute little 9 year old finally got mommy's vibrator deep in her child cunt.

Oh to be a fly on those walls.

Pedo Musings 

@peachyg Even several toddlers who barely understand what they are doing

Pedo Musings 

@cartography_projection it's natural for them, all they want is pleasure from their little kitties.

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