
Why Renounce the World

"The Renunciation of the World"
THIS HAS not been understood "among christians", in fact the WHOLE ESOTERIC TEACHING has not been understood by christians
that's why they are lost in the outside (exoteric) in a vain veneration of a god

the esoteric Aryan tradition, of which Hinduism is a branch, spoke of REALIZING ONE'S "TRUE NATURE" which is Brahman (Spirit)

THE FIRST CHRISTIAN SECTS, it is quite characteristic, FLED FROM THE SOCIETY; they settled in COMMUNITIES
they did not understand what is clearly written esoterically "the kingdom of God is within you",
spirituality is inside, religion outside

still not to this day

so my young padawans to renounce the world is to renounce; BUT TO RENOUNCE INTERNALLY

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