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The lyrics are worse, it's about suicide and the music
It's a Japanese music artist that is very depressing to listen to if you know the lyrics
I'm interested in Japanese only
Because I'm human, what's wrong with me? @shampoobottle @igeljaeger @colonelj @mrsaturday
Hehe @shampoobottle @igeljaeger @colonelj @mrsaturday Sounds like you're ready to commit a school shooting @shampoobottle @igeljaeger @colonelj @mrsaturday

@lucky @shampoobottle @igeljaeger @colonelj @mrsaturday
Yes, this quite was a hell thread @shampoobottle @igeljaeger @colonelj @mrsaturday Since when? @shampoobottle @igeljaeger @colonelj @mrsaturday
No I'm not, you for not blocking a pedo

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.