I don't care about a system that needs to die quickly and as soon as possible, but Dick Cheney is still alive? I thought croaked around 2019 to 2021. :gura_what:

Pretty sure that was John McCain who died. But they are all interchangeable.

I knew John McCain croaked a long while ago last decade, but I swear Cheney who went down under.

@SuperSnekFriend @Goalkeeper I seem to remember some kind of hunting or car accident where Cheney killed somebody else.

NOTE: I was about to say "Maybe you're thinking of Karl Rove, he died." But I checked Wikipedia and he is still alive. Actually it was Donald Rumsfeld who died in 2021.

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Cheney shot a friend of his while hunting but the guy didn't die, just got a face full of birdshot.

@redneonglow @Goalkeeper
>Actually it was Donald Rumsfeld who died in 2021.
That's who I was thinking of. :jahy_headache:

I know that hellspawn Kissinger ate it recently too.

>I seem to remember some kind of hunting or car accident where Cheney killed somebody else.
Cheney somehow managed to shoot a campaign contributor in the face, but that guy survived. 22GA shotgun with birdshot IIRC.
Tee hee, oops. My bad.
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