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@TheMadPirate @Shizu @Ene that was @Wyatt

I had twitter retards much angrier at crunchyroll over their usage of funds instead of giving it to the studios they have like, a nightclub for an office, for example here is Gibi in their cafeteria

The non-stop commercialism is also cancerous. I hate American Television so much.

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i really want to drink beer and say nigger, yes we lust for elves, and yes we are real and valid

@mangeurdenuage I can't wait for to be finished so I can set up my bots again

@mangeurdenuage Since Neckbeard went down, I've been using as my main instance. But it's been unusably slow all day so I've been using my other alt at, which uses Mastodon.

@mangeurdenuage Actually, my bad, it just has "Preview not available" until you click on it in Mastodon.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.