@orekix "narrative thanatotechnics" wtf is this bullshit. would be better conveyed through lugubrious poetry rather than this turgid academic shit

> thesaurus georgia annoyed at academese
wtf is this
@orekix look i'm a logodaedalist myself fond of coining shit but sometimes you should just use english
@georgia I don't disagree, I prefer texts that are easy to read but some texts being difficult doesn't necessarily remove value from it, some authors are just obscure assholes but others do expect the reader to be more familiar with certain things, like Nietzsche is constantly in the book with his comments on the 'last man' so the author does expect some background

and to be fair it isn't even that bad, at least it isn't talking about 'reification' constantly
@orekix @georgia >expect the reader to be more familiar with certain things
I think this is perfectly acceptable in academic texts but if something is addressed to the general public it's really not that hard to include a paragraph or two summarizing terms with a short 'read X for deeper thought' at the end.

Also Kant is a breath of fresh air with this. Apart from the 300 years of language evolution he's clear as day. It's so great.
@knotteye @georgia

I've noticed the contrast with most conservative writers being very easy to read and concise, and then there's the pomo gone wild academy with incomprehensible texts that go for hundreds upon hundreds of pages...
@orekix @knotteye big words i love if they are used well, even atypical syntax, what i hate is stuff like long-ass runon sentences. i have no attention span.
@georgia @knotteye

phones destroy attention spans, it's the work of the devil
@orekix @georgia I used to think this until I got rid of my phone. I think as a generation we've just hallucinated this phantom attention-span killer in technology. I think as a kid everything was new and enrapturing, and when technology came around less things were new.

Meditation did more for my attention span than larping as a luddite. Not that there aren't dark patterns in modern media.. but at a certain point it's your responsibility to maintain your own mind.

@knotteye @orekix @georgia

I would say it is not just technology but how everything is engineered to cause maximum gratification with the minimum amount of effort.

The brain, being used to optimization, will prefer to do those activitied that require less energy and focus, over those that needs us to undergo some discomfort

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