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Saifer boosted
Saifer boosted
Saifer boosted

@shadowferret did i miss it all? Damn, i wonder how to get push notifications about certain people i follow. :blob_fearful:

@Moon wow i never heard of those! That is a neat idea tho. The button feeds and and connects the processor in the ring to the 1 wire pin of the arduino .. right?

I really need to undust mine. I was using it with a sim800l module to process sms as commands for a gate but i stopped at some point

@Moon what kind of sensor or transductor is that? What are you measuring when press your ring into it?

What's the best XMPP client for android in terms of being open source and provacy oriented?

Saifer boosted
Saifer boosted
Saifer boosted
Saifer boosted
Saifer boosted
Saifer boosted
Saifer boosted

@tuxcrafting We are not defined by the expectations set upon us by others.

We all have our own pacing in this marathon that we call life.

It hurts comint from someone close, but what's important is that you remind yourself that this isn't true.

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