Saifer boosted

@volpeon The fox that provides me with vulpine and vulpine accesories does not have cute fox items?


Saifer boosted

@volpeon How are you achieving these extraordinary levels?

Saifer boosted
Saifer boosted
Saifer boosted

alc Don Julio is amazing.. burns like heck tho

Saifer boosted

@knotteye @orekix @georgia

I would say it is not just technology but how everything is engineered to cause maximum gratification with the minimum amount of effort.

The brain, being used to optimization, will prefer to do those activitied that require less energy and focus, over those that needs us to undergo some discomfort

@Mr_NutterButter Am glad you do! It was a headshot by a friend! He does this kind of reward for around 10 usd! Check him out:


Saifer boosted

@shadowferret Best of luck to you, man.

Hopefully it will just remain like that.. an annoying cold.

Do you still have taste and sense of smell?

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.