⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆

I have hormonally driven BPD that flares up at times of the moon/my hormone cycle. I am actually a werewolf and really need a safe judge free space to satisfy my sexual perversions.
Do not take what I say seriously, I don’t seek to harm anything irl, I am just trying to follow the call of the wolf.

Feel free to interact with me! I like hearing salacious fantasies of every flavor.
But if you are intending to trade, send, or incite me to do anything illegal or harmful, kindly take your intentions elsewhere - I am not interested.

Attraction / = Action

🌙 🩸 🌙 🩸 🌙 🩸 🌙

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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