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Still figuring out Baraag's posting procedures. Derp.

Here are the actual 2 final photos. Uploaded the wrong one before.

Character is from @bubukka

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Booty Rockin’ Errywhere

So I really wish there was a game like Pokemon Snap, except called Lolicon Snap, where you are a cameraman and you get to take pictures of lolis in cute poses, like this one. And the more and more points you get the more and more clothes come off!

Based on a two artist collab done by @MrScrambled and @zabbuk (more can be found there)

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Exxxplora Dora

Do you have a map?
Does it tell you where the treasure is?
Lets explore together!

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New Friends/Old Friends! 10,000+
Special thx to @ungatox3

Cranked the resolution on this one to test that new feature of HS2.

10,000 (Pixiv) Followers wow! Didn't think I'd ever get this kind of momentum. Sadly, lots has been interrupting making new stuff, but glad you all still like the lewdness! This was an idea based on some pic I saw somewhere.....

To all my other fans, followers, and especially other artists along the way who helped spread the lewdness, THANK YOU!

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Phones have gotten too big, ditch your old model and upgrade to a smaller, younger slimmer device!
Still able to do everything you need, and more!

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Got 20,000 followers on Pixiv and just cracked 3,000 on here! Thanks everyone for being such big pervs!

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Summer is almost over, but my desire for sexy lolis will never go away.

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Trying my hand and Koikatsu for some anime style babes. But I just HAD to fucking try and update the game while I was working on a scene and fucked up the material editor mod and broke her outfit, so this is all I have for now. I should have known, god damn it.

Well, hope you like her.

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Can you win the No Nut November game?

Or would you rather play the game where you have to use tongue to get her panties off before she says "Red Light"?

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.