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Yo. I'm Hunter.
🐺 I like VNs and fanfics
🐺 Yoichi best boy
🐺 Banned from twitter for stupid reasons
🐺 Don't be a dick or I'll mute/block you.

@wolfbro @ehhh after dealing with the first person to report my to my host because they saw a shirtless shota on this instance, I made this right quick

Stupid shotacon dialogue, Xenoblade 

*Rex walking up to Malos and Zeke extremely embrassed*
Rex: guys.... I heard Vadham talking about me touching my dick, what does that mean
Zeke: how the fu—
Malos: so let me get this straight, you married and impregnated multiple women yet don't understand wanking
Rex: yes
Malos, Zeke: ....

@wolfbro Kodocons alone weak
Kodocons band together strong! 💪

I have to wonder, since he has 3 wives and kids with them. How huge is little buddy's dick?

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People love to mock people with daddy issues but nobody wants to address that a disturbing amount of fathers are terrible at being fathers.

Посылка лежит у двери. Почтальон не читал инструкции.

Gay shota, full nudity, handjob, nipple kissing 

I would like to wish all Karens and Kyles a very die

One of the security cameras caught on fire, and no, the footage clarified nothing.

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"Hey we have a tech support issue."
"Yes what is it?"
"One of the cameras is on fire."

Excuse me WHAT?


WiFi isn't working properly so some messages might double post.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.