
drunk rambling, nsfwish kinda 

I've been thinking lately, like, there really isn't much of an argument in favor of eating meat that doesn't also justify zoophilia, and there isn't much argument against zoophilia that doesn't also condemn eating meat. It's just such a difficult thing to come to terms with. I eat meat but I despise zoophiles - isn't eating meat worse, when you think about it? It's killing countless animals. It's killing animals almost daily, just because I enjoy meat more than vegetarian alternatives. Why is one so acceptable despite being so much more harmful? Logically I should see it as so much more vile and despicable, but I don't. Just because I enjoy it? Because society says it's okay? Who knows.

I feel disgusted with myself right now. Maybe I should try going vegetarian. I dunno. It's a weird feeling.

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