@PhenomX6 @dave What makes cis women special you say?
Well, them actually looking like women, them actually having a real pussy, them actually having a uterus, them actually having 2 X chromosomes, them actually have a female bone structure, them not needing to take HRT in order to look feminine, them actually sounding like a female (instead of some creepy soyboy voice), them being smaller in body length, and so on.
@ryo @dave lol have you seen troonshine addicts? They don't even look feminine they just tell themselves they do and cope harder than other drug addicts.

I remember reading the story of one methhead who was making copes with doing meth and saying that it wouldn't change his appearance from rockstar all the girls wanted to fuck to looking like a faces of meth meme irl. Next thing you know he was looking like that and aging badly and having to take shit bodybuilders use to sleep just to sleep.
@PhenomX6 @dave Literal dude in a dress with a low bass voice: "IT'S MA'AM!!"
@ryo @dave did you see the Canadian teacher with the mega fake tits that's peaking many people after the keffals shit?
@PhenomX6 @dave I saw it, at first I thought it was just a prank video, but turned out it wasn't.

@ryo @PhenomX6 @dave "Ok children today you're going to look at my massive nipples that resemble martini olives, like every day, look at my sexy Mr Bean body." -ExplodingMilkJuggs Tranny Teacher

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