Seems like a bunch of fake """anarchists""" (aka, fascists) ( just niggerlisted this instance.

Although it really seems like the fascists pretending to be "anarchists" (while they're only giving real anarchists a bad name) have no idea what the fuck "nazi" even means, so it's basically a placeholder reason just in case they can't come up with a reason.
Oh, and for the 983290324890543895489th time, anarchy and communism are mutually incompatible with one other.
Anarchy is all about having no motherfucker above or below you telling you what to do, say, or think.
Meanwhile, communism is all about 1 massive 1 party government DICKtating you whatever they demand you to do, and if you refuse, they'll take you into a concentration camp (or gulag or indoctrination center or however you want to call it) to re-brainwash you.

@ryo Communism is democracy on steroids. Two wolfs and a sheep deciding what's for dinner.

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