President Biden has had our backs.

He really has.

We need to have his back now.

We know he isn’t a criminal.

We know he would never, under any circumstance, place national security at risk.

When we see the media try to trash his reputation, we need to call them out.

Don’t click on the clickbait, and turn the channel if a reporter tries to start a feeding frenzy.

Republicans are the danger.

#politics #biden

@animeirl @prodygy Like, call my opinions shit and everything (they are) but at least I'm genuine

These kind of big accounts I see on Facebook and Twitter and legitimately scary. They constantly cook up lies, spin and bullshit and put them in small little image just perfect to make them viral to spread as much brainrot as possible. Absolutely frightening

A lot of these accounts are paid shill too. I believe a bunch of them were recently invited to the White House too...

@coolboymew @animeirl @prodygy It started in good fun on the chans, but normalniggers and glowies STOLE the hard work of pleb anons and added it to their deck of dastardly tricks. They already knew how to propagandize, but they were out of touch, the boards gave them the glimpse into the american mind they needed to start creating resonating propaganda again, propaganda that resonates with the common man.

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