How to protect your kids from online sexual predators:


Also, take an interest in your kids' online social lives. Look, if your kid can't be stopped from wanting to pretend they are a winged fox or something without also utterly alienating them and losing their trust, then make your own fursona, and try to learn something about their community, its leaders, its issues, and its dangers. Be involved, lead, and genuinely care.

This is not complicated.


@get I thought you were better than this, friendship ended in tears

@get @Jazzy_Butts pleroma trannies are suspciously unlike trannies and are 100% just larping as trannies to bait poast users
@get @Jazzy_Butts there should be an achievement for making poast defederate from you without resorting to cheap tricks like larping as troons or talking about sex with children and killing them
Jazzy admits to being a pedo in his bio.

@get I changed your note from anti trans to selectively anti trans, I was worried for a bit

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