Certain gays need to see this
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@Jazzy_Butts really, all anyone ever cared about was making sure creeps and weirdos didn't touch kids. just dont let gays touch kids either and we're good. (straight people also are not allowed to touch kids either)
@Jazzy_Butts i am dead serious. it always was that simple. you guys need to chill the literal fuck out. jfc,

@jeff And I'm literally serious, I disagree with you you fucking dipshit, what part of that do you not understand? You can repeat yourself again now if you'd like, but you're not going to convince me there's not people out there who hate gays. Go get another covid shot idiot.

@Jazzy_Butts i understand what your point is but you seriously need to chill tf out so they dont use your freak out as "evidence" and "justification" to do whatever they want. ya need to just let people be who they are my guy.

@jeff Suck my meaty dick you pretentious patronizing jackass

@Jazzy_Butts your echo chamber psychosis is your own worst enemy
@Jazzy_Butts you need to talk to people that aren't addicted to moral panic and fear porn. i'd sent a virtual hug but you'd treat it like a mail package from uncle ted.
@jeff @Jazzy_Butts To be honest most people despise gays because it has become a establishment neoliberal political movement weaponized by corporations and the globalist elite. I doubt anyone cares about the actual sexual orientation anymore.
@diceynes @Jazzy_Butts it is recoverable but it'll take a HUGE slice humble pie
@jeff @Jazzy_Butts For sure the human aspect of it needs to be recovered
@jeff @Inginsub I love free speech so you have to let pedophiles diddle your kids
@pwm @Inginsub nah that's freedom from religion that cases that.
freedom from religion doesn't mean freedom from consequences
@mia @Inginsub @pwm stop lusting for dogger dongs and maybe they'll look less sexy
@pwm @Inginsub @jeff Hopefully the dogs are at least of age! Intersectionality has been a disaster for the zoophile community, puppies are no longer safe.
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