> another mutual unfollowed :fake_verified:

:ablobcatcoffee: man this israel gaza shit is really making everyone show their true colors

@icedquinn I don't want to unfollow anyone because of israel or gaza but I know people have unfollowed me because of it. I see israels point and I see gazas point but I just think gaza has gone about seeking redress of grievance in the wrong way. The last thing I think they should have done is attack a superior military force with such provocative tactics as public rape, it's just asking to be put out of ones own misery or the act of an idiot.

@Jazzy_Butts hamas was created by mossad. bibi had all the security people stand down the day they were attacked and responded by indiscriminately bombing everything

@icedquinn If true bibi is bad, hamas is also bad and probably worse. Who's worse, the guy who says here kill some people lol, or the guy who takes them up on the offer? Bibi may have layed the live bait but hamas chose to bite and kill it. Bibi is bad but hamas is worse.

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@Jazzy_Butts when you create your own terrorist group and tell it to attack yourself so you can whine to the world about being a victim

@Jazzy_Butts problem is in the IDFs indiscriminate lets blow up everything that exists because we can they killed american and british aid workers and that was a real [Everyone hated that} moment
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