APA Hotel has made its policy on public baths for trannies, and I can only regard it as sane and reasonable. Bath usage is determined by physical characteristics, regardless of family register or other legal documentation:

(JP) https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/6ffbf0e22b149cf163c96d39d0d6ff7e6e23ce24


@japananon Lol I would just not use the bath if I was a passing tranny I don't want those old ojisans leering at me with lustful thoughts

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@japananon Wait nvm this would also mean shots will get exposed to trannies I support this rule now

@Jazzy_Butts Look, all I'm saying is the psychic anguish of not being catered to in every way at all times might drive the suicide statistic up another percentage point or two, and me personally I think that makes all the other ups and downs worthwhile.

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