It sucks when fedifrens you thought liked you lose their minds and get paranoid and crazy
@Jazzy liking someone has nothing to do with paranoia unless you're the object of that paranoia.
People get scared or guilty and run away in these spaces all the time
@bloop Someone I thought was fairly normal who I've had good interactions with randomly started telling me to kill myself and that I was a fed for talking about map topics
@Jazzy I know that probably hurt and I'm very sorry but that is also hilarious to me because your instance is a map one and you pay about map stuff plenty so like, they actively did not look at who they were interacting with. Stupid is as stupid does.

This is on fedi right?
@Jazzy_Butts @Jazzy exactly why I said it was hilarious (not to be an ass hole) because this account interacts with me and I'm sure plenty of other very openly map accounts. That's willful blindness.
The activity on your account is clearly consorting with maps.

Anyway, I don't wanna be a bastard.
You can't change people's minds of they refused to be even slightly reasonable.
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