
Jazzy: I'm worried people don't like me, I'm worried my old friends on here don't like me anymore.
Claudia: Why
Jazzy: Because they made me feel good
Claudia: *Takes drag* Good feelings fade. All things fade, babe.
Jazzy: I guess...
Claudia: *Taps cig ashes*
Jazzy: You know what I admire about you, Claudia?
Claudia: What?
Jazzy: You have peace, you're not like the other girls I usually go for, I'm Mr. Fixer Upper, but there's nothing to fix about you.
Claudia: Except my anhedonia. *Blows some smoke out passively*
Jazzy: Except your anhedonia. Which is probably the reason this will work so yay for anhedonia.
Claudia: I'm indifferent, but I know it would be inappropriate for me to be a downer so yay. *Gently raises her cigarette-free hand and waves it around in a genuine attempt at mimicking celebration, her face maintaining that placid and passive expression, yet still some true joy disrupted the surface for just a moment, as she felt satisfaction in this moment, for that is how strong his joy was, that it could infect her, and she loved him for it. And they did, indeed, live happily ever after.*

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