Every president we've had for decades has pardoned some of the world's biggest pieces of shit 😏 I understand Biden doing it because it's his son, but I do know most boomers wouldn't do that for their own kids, they're such loyal statists they want their own kids thrown under the jail if they fuck up because "tough love". Meanwhile defend the shit out of that nigger who got shot by the McMichael's
@RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare >Smokes crack
>Drives fast cars
>Sitting on boards
>Fucking hookers

Dude's a parody of the American dream.
He didn't do anything anybody else wouldn't do in his position honestly 😏 why not smoke crack and bang hookers if you have the money for it?

@Bad_Banner @RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare Crack actually feels really good so I hear it makes you feel like superman so I hear

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