@icedquinn I don't want anybody here who doesn't share "American" (socialist) values, anyone brown white yellow or black trying to come in here who is a purely capitalistic individualistic pig can fuck off. Be ready to contribute to the whole of America not only with your wallet but with your attitude of positivity and kindness to all Americans, not just the ones who came off the same boat you did.
@icedquinn Yes exactly some filthy romanians stole someone's fishing pole around here recently, they all group together like a gang and I'm scared it'll get worse. I've never seen that type of shit outside YouTube videos about eastern bloc shitholes...and now it's coming here, it's not about race it's about some people are just dishonorable and they raise their families to be that way too.
i mostly don't care if people want to come here as long as they do american things.
i don't want people from a failed state to come here and start pushing culture of a failed state on the natives