"if I had to pick between srs but I get a technofascist vagina and just keeping my oem parts I’m keeping my oem parts"

so this is incoherent

@maija @nyanide Yes because it's colonialism, "white medicine", satanic is what it is. Just get some herbs and do a spirit ceremony and your dick becomes a clittu with no surgery needed.

@maija @nyanide You've got to do a spell to make your asshole your vagina and your dick your clit, your balls are your external ovaries. It's unfortunate you will also shit from your vag but magic is about balance, you can't ever get something for nothing.

@Jazzy_Butts @nyanide are you telling me i'll have a vagina? with two balls? two testicles underneath a pussy?

@maija @nyanide I suppose so yes, your asshole is your spiritual vagina, it's like a stand from jojo, only other stand users can perceive its true form

@Jazzy_Butts @nyanide not really you know MtFs get discoloration on the penis as the skin changes to what it shouldve been in a vagina and you can very clearly see where the vagina is supposed to have grown at. on the underside of the penis. it's like roughly the vaginal shape. on the underside
i dont have an example image on hand and i dont want to post my dick on here rn so take my word for it
@Jazzy_Butts @nyanide its cuz like normally the vag would develop there and it wouldnt have stuck out and then the head above it of course was the clitoris but whatever

@maija @nyanide I've never heard any trans person mention this before ever, are you sure this is common?

@Jazzy_Butts @nyanide yes i am. its come up and i've been intimately familiar with enough trannies. it's common, just, not often spoken about. and given some basic knowledge about anatomy this really shouldnt be surprising either

@maija @nyanide Yea I know that's how it works all fetuses are female the male is nothing more than a female with extra parts juiced up.

@Jazzy_Butts @nyanide the penis itself gets more melanated too but specifically this patch does and the texture changes, hard to get on image, its a lot more visible in real life

@sun @nyanide @maija Vaginas are scary because they can eat things the penis is just thrusting dmg

@maija @nyanide I think that's just how all lb penises look, that line is where the bagina fused inside the womb, it's prominent without testosterone to toughen up the skin imo but I don't actually know for sure.

@maija @nyanide and lb penis is relevant because estrogen basically turns the penis back into an lb penis

@Jazzy_Butts @nyanide i'm not so familiar with lb penises i wouldn't know
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