@ChristiJunior @dave @caekislove If white-hate is the theology, then environmentalism is its philosophical handmaid.

It's simply incredible just what this shoddy science has facilitated. Imagine shutting off nearly all power and fertilizer sources, then acting surprised when people begin to freeze and starve.
> It's simply incredible just what this shoddy science has facilitated

The science is fine, it's the policymakers fucking up here. Becoming reliant on Russia for gas, phasing out nuclear before we had economic energy storage solutions, etc.
I'm old enough to remember Germans in college laughing about how the USA is still putzing around with fossil fuels when they were gonna be carbon-neutral by 2020! One time I asked how they would keep the lights on and one of them replied "solar and imports" 😜

@James10550088 @ChristiJunior @caekislove @dave @PereAvaitRaison
Imports of energy.
Thanks to the Nazi Union, they can make laws, that demand our (czech) nuclear powerplants to be selling energy to them, even if our politicians are desperate to keep the electricity affordable.

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