So, right now:
Jordan Peterson is openly speaking against anonymous accounts.

Tim pool is openly speaking against anonymous accounts.

Politicians are begging for any excuse to de-anonymize the internet...

Oh no....

I know, but from a person who got famous by line "freedom of speech is a freedom to think", I expected at least this single point to stay for a while.

@LukeAlmighty @vivernu
If you have wrong think and they know who you are, you will lose your job. Here in the U.S., every wignat would be a walking HR nightmare even if they followed every rule just because allegations of discrimination, even if false, could cost a lot of money and cause PR problems. Thus, expressing political opinions could make people unemployable.

That's what they want though. It's a new form of slavery, and one that is almost impossible to escape because the critical mass of people necessary to cause change will be unwilling, or even unable (due to ignorance of political options from a lack of political communication), to express the opinions necessary to escape the servitude.
This is why whites are fucked, entirely. We know that any deviation from the globohomo, EGS agenda at work will mean being fired - doesn't matter if you're actually capable and skillful.

For most Whites, livelyhoods are entirely earned on the corporate framework and there is a greater risk to to speaking out than keeping your head down. Ironically, "self-sufficiency" is tied directly to your providing job, and not towards providing skill sets.

Even if all Whites up and said "I quit", it won't help - we need to say "We quit, fuck you, we're starting our own society again."

@Red_Hat @Humpleupagus @Vivernu
Yes. There is a reason, why globohomo is limiting self-sufficiency and small entrepreneurship as much as they do, and the main reason is, that it helps them keep all the power.

If you cannot even grow your own food, you have a single option left. Work for Amazon, and hope the money you'll get will be enough to buy the food you need.

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@LukeAlmighty @Red_Hat @Humpleupagus @vivernu The work was started back when the Western educational system was modelled off the Prussian system. People were too damn productive and self-reliant and the corporations and government saw that as a problem and threat that needed to be addressed. So began the great dumbing down.
@LukeAlmighty @Red_Hat @Humpleupagus @vivernu That's why the whole EV industry is a trap, that has several layers, the most important one is the battery tech sucks, but they can't make better battery tech because regular people would gain energy independence. Another one is with current shitty battery tech it can't prosper.
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