It's so bad to hear just how much my mom hates me during every call.
She hates the face that ai am not just another NPC in the system. She's furious whenever ai say any non-message opinion.

Even if I was a trannie, there would be at least one topic she knew what she could say to me, that would fit the message.

You might think I am joking, but she got furious, when I said, that laws about usage of RC models were too strict.

She never read them, and she hadn't seen any RC model in a decade. But I dared to mention, that the law isn't perfect. And that is just not an NPC behavior.


Or, she got pissed off, when I said I won't show my banking history to a landlord, when I'm looking for an apartment. She said, that I won't have a chance with that attitude.

Landlord obviously didn't even ask. :pepeFacepalm:

@LukeAlmighty Females crave for security and stability. Compliance is in their DNA. You shouldn't judge them but rather laugh your ass off in pure masculine superiority.
I literally tell women "I don't care what you think, because you're a woman, you'll never understand what being a man is like."
By disregarding their opinions you're doing them a favor.
No good in telling a blind person that they can see. They can't.
Sooner or later they will understand that you don't care about what they think, and then they'll leave you alone and they'll begin to mind their own business.

@mystik @LukeAlmighty I’m a lookin’ around and I see an overly compliant society in all 133 genders (Google’s number, I believe).

Women have let men be the king of the castle forever, but he’s just the fall guy while she’s running things in the background unscathed by the slings and arrows of being the figurehead. It’s nice. We’re made to take the slings and arrows, and women have always been running things in the background.

Bet if you get to the one really taking control of the globe via the illuminati, that controller was most likely born with ovaries.

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