@justinerickson @LukeAlmighty @WashedOutGundamPilot >The labor laws were put in place because people were working well past 40 hours a week and not getting compensated for it.

that's a condition of the early-mid industrial revolution, not pre-industrial society

@deprecated_ii @LukeAlmighty @WashedOutGundamPilot you mean pre-industrial society when people were literally slaves because of debt? All of those things sucked but it sounds pretty weak minded and entitled to act as though we are living in the worst of times because $20/hr isn’t catching up with inflation.

@justinerickson @LukeAlmighty @WashedOutGundamPilot congratulations, you've fallen hard for the very propaganda designed to make you think the modern world isn't total shit

@deprecated_ii @LukeAlmighty @WashedOutGundamPilot Woke people are thinking the modern world is total shit too. Do you agree with them? I think the modern world is turning to shit because of little shits who have little honor, little morality, no grit and are full of entitlement while having low self worth that want to destroy what could actually be the easiest time for any generation ever. Spoiled brats that are quick to be offended and never feel shame and enjoy destroying everything in fits.

@justinerickson @LukeAlmighty @WashedOutGundamPilot 🤨 do you really think I'm going to change my mind about something because some retards think the same thing for totally different reasons

@deprecated_ii @LukeAlmighty @WashedOutGundamPilot ya and you assume I should think the world is going to shit the same way as you because you can’t figure out how to put a roof over your head or some shit in a very easy world when it comes to that sort of thing. Especially right now where employers are all seeking employees. If you were stupid enough to rack up student loan debt or something, that’s not my fault nor did anybody stick a gun to your head. Figure it out. The world won’t.

@justinerickson @deprecated_ii @WashedOutGundamPilot
> Especially right now where employers are all seeking employees.

In a world, where employers are seeking employees below the market value. I work 9-5, but I am seeking a f-35b lightning. Does it mean, that you can sell it to me? Hell no.

That is such a retarded argument.


@justinerickson @deprecated_ii @WashedOutGundamPilot
Employers are seeking means, that either
A) Employers aren't willing to pay
B) Employees don't exist.
And, since I know the second option to be false, there you fucking go.

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