@justinerickson @LukeAlmighty @WashedOutGundamPilot It's new with industrialization. Hitler mentions this in Mein Kampf. It's not the same as a shopkeeper or artisan in the old days. They lived near or literally above the shop. No 2 hour round trip commute dealing with metal boxes of death. They could work 14 hours a day, because they didn't have to do autistic laser focus for 14 hours. They weren't on a time clock and they weren't getting being studied like ants by busy body "scientific management" specialists. They had all sorts of holidays and festivals they would take off, or market days where they would go haul crap to the market instead of sitting in their shop.

@happypirate @LukeAlmighty @WashedOutGundamPilot people choose to do those things. There are plenty of places to live where that 2 hour commute is not necessary at all. But pretend I agree with you in that everyone is being forced to work way too much for far too little and living conditions and standards are worse than any other time in history, what do you propose should be done to fix it?

@justinerickson @LukeAlmighty @WashedOutGundamPilot We should move somewhere between the old craft work model and the new industrial mass production model. We should roll back some of the antihuman scientific management practices. We should push people to live very close to where they work. We should undo planned obsolescence. Not everything should be mass produced because not everything needs to be; and in having a blended model, we would be less wasteful, have better goods, and have basically full employment.

There are "good" things about the past 60 or so years, but a lot of them are tainted. You have far less people farming which seems good, but the trade off is using foreign farmhands, which turned in short order to a general condition of scab labor throughout the economy, as well as huge amounts of industrial poisons being dumped on the landscape in the guise of bug and weed control. Really you want a healthy peasantry that is mostly lightly mechanized rather than what we have now, but that means having about 15% of the workforce give or take in farming rather than less than 2%. We do have plenty of food, but a lot of the food is dubious in quality and produced by a cartel which in turn is probably integrated with the broader oil-banking nexus (basically the core of the modern industrial economy).

@happypirate @LukeAlmighty @WashedOutGundamPilot so you want to force that onto people? Your ideal world? You know you yourself and anyone else can choose to live in many ways as you describe right now? And you can vote with your feet and your wallet. Or are you proposing authoritarian socialism? It definitely sounds like it. I prefer liberty. And I prefer to live by example instead of stomping around and pouting about being a wage slave or something like I’m a victim until I have my way.

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