What percentage of every meme, joke, and trend of note in the internet comes from us?

The only people who can even be said to “make culture” are people doing it for free, without the oversight of management - ergo, the only real culture being created is in places like this.

How many of our memes have gone from 15-man group chats to being parroted by KFC’s social media roasties in the span of 3 years?

How many unknown, unappreciated memetic heroes have written posts, published stories that resonated more than every ‘hit’ movie made for the last 20 years?

They say “culture”, but they only see that which is approved and dated with a trademark. Just like white culture, it seems invisible to them because it’s ubiquitous.

But sure, prove me wrong and show me a black meme that’s made its way up to replace ours. Instead, we get black-ified shit like the negro wojaks, imitation masquerading as creation


It's so hilarious to see, that when someone created a personification of negative depressing average person, these women identify with it to such an extent.

I get it, but the irony is blindingly obvious.

@LukeAlmighty That’s what I love about the apu meme. There’s something so humble and grounded about it to see all these guys willingly representing themselves as this sorta retarded, sad, helpless little creature.

Where others online represent themselves via filters, artificially charitable caricatures, and carefully selected lucky photos, we portray ourselves as a humble little creature like him. It’s so pure.

@WashedOutGundamPilot @LukeAlmighty Realizing that I'd have to work for a picrew looking bitch in the new pokemon game was enough to convince me it would be shit without any supporting evidence.
@WashedOutGundamPilot @LukeAlmighty Why is it always deviant art 3/4 profile?
Because it's so easy to fucking draw
@WashedOutGundamPilot @LukeAlmighty yuo are new white nationalist on social media

will you choose:
ugly but lovable frog
fat milker anime girl
>There’s something so humble and grounded about it

I think really because theres a lot more to a person than just an external "perfect" appearance.
Pepe has personified a crapton of things, fitting in very well most of the time. But hes always been that personification of the "cool friend" type. Not perfect in every way, but cool enough to be around and real and humble enough to stay around.
Its sorta what is means to really see yourself for who you are, rather than cosmetically alter it

@theorytoe @LukeAlmighty IDK, from the frogs I’ve met IRL….they’re better looking than the average. Maybe it’s a mark of security, where they don’t have to play pretend and look good, because they already do IRL

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