@LukeAlmighty So you can see that all the way from CZ? Not what they're telling us here.

Man, I don't know what you know about CZ, but we are an ethnostate. We can complain about minorities all day long in here. Gypsies DON'T have a representation, and all the virtue signaling from US goes to black people.... who I didn't see for about 2 months now.

So what would you say the percentage of the population there is native Czech?


I have tried looking it up, but I couldn't, because noone was even collecting it.

Here is a photo of first primary school I was able to find. Count it yourself.

BTW, try it yourself.
Set VPN to CZ, and look up "základní škola foto"

Since primary school is mandatory, it should be pretty representative of the population.

I am so sad, that we have the purest nation in the world, yet most of our people have no idea how rate that is.

That is why I am openly inviting all the ethnostate lovers, who are searching for a new home. Because each of them could make our culture that little bit more conservative, before we lose it.

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