I had to move away from my irl friends so now I have fucking nobody. Nobody to chill and smoke and hike with anymore. My last group of online friends is gone. Nobody to play with.

I've put out tens of thousands of resumes and have to date gotten zero callbacks. Nobody to work for.

When I turned 26, I was told that I was no longer good enough to receive mental healthcare, or healthcare of any kind. Nobody to help me.

I'm considered waste by every aspect of society. At the same time, I'm told I have immense privilege and that everything is handed to me, and that there are more important people who need jobs, healthcare, and yes, even friends, more than I do.

My only hobbies are Linux and League. I spend all day being told to do horrible things, being called the worst shit imaginable, having every important aspect of myself be existentislly called into question, and every game I report it. I almost never get any confirmation popups. I say literally anything, even completely neutral language back, and I suddenly start getting punished.

I want solutions. And if I cannot have them, today, I will cause problems for others. I've had enough.

How many hours a day you spend gayming with Ekko?

As many as possible. I get as many tasks as possible to a point where I'm waiting on some person or some process to finish, clean the place up, lift, shower, pop an Adderall and a nootropics stack, and grind.

Right now I'm specifically trying to get to 3.6 million mastery by the end of the week and I'm too fucking depressed to sit down and start.
@normalkorean @matty

I have a feeling that league is feeding into your depression loop.

Only because of the people. It was easier to deal with when I had people to play with.
@matty @bot

Playing games "for as many hours as possible" is not healthy. You need to set a reasonable limit for yourself, which is like 1 (or maybe 2 to start) maximum. Anything more than that is insane.

@bot @normalkorean @r000t @Matty
Bro, I am sorry, but shut the fuck up.
Games are the only anti-depressants om the market that does not fuck your brain up long term.

Spending 2, 3, or 4 hours gaming each day is not an "anti-depressant", that's retarded. It's literally the opposite.
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